Olha defends PhD!

Posted on Sept. 4, 2023

Last Friday (1 September, 2023) Olha successfully defended her PhD in Computer Science! She was supervised by Professor Chris Cornelis and Professor. Véronique Hoste.

For her dissertation entitled Fuzzy Rough Set Methods for Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis she explored how strategies based on fuzzy rough set models, which are more classic machine learning methods, performed on various NLP tasks, including aspect-based sentiment analysis and emotion intensity, hate speech and sarcasm detection. Her work showed that for all tasks the fuzzy methods are roughly on par with state-of-the-art approaches. Moreover, through error analysis she revealed that an important characteristic of her approach is its explainability which offers interesting prospects for future research.

Olha was supervised by Prof. Dr. Chris Cornelis and Prof. Dr. Veronique Hoste.

A big congratulations to Dr. Kaminska and we look forward to stay in touch!