EuroSLA33 and TaLC2024 recap

Posted on July 19, 2024

We have one more conference recap left for July: Margot attended EuroSLA and Jasper attended TaLC2024. Let’s have a look!

EuroSLA33 took place in Montpellier on 3-6 July 2024 and is generally considered the foremost meeting for second language researchers in Europe. At the conference, Margot gave a presentation about her work on the effect of machine translation access on L2 writers' cognitive processes across proficiency levels.

The 16th edition of TaLC (Teaching and Language Corpora Conference) took place in Manchester on 7 - 10 July 2024. The focus of this conference is on corpus-based approaches to language learning, teaching and assessment. Jasper presented his recent work on evaluating how suitable GenAI-based example sentences are for second language acquisition compared to corpus-based sentences. The evaluation was carried out by L2 Spanish learners.

After such busy months of conferences, our team is now going to take a well-deserved break before getting back to it in August!