Ayla Rigouts Terryn

Senior Researcher
Ayla Rigouts Terryn

About Ayla

Ayla Rigouts Terryn was doctor-assistent (postdoctoral researcher) at the LT3 Language and Translation Technology Team, and is currently employed as assistant professor at KU Leuven Kulak. She has a background in translation (NL, EN, FR, DE) and is researching supervised machine learning approaches for monolingual and multilingual automatic terminology extraction. She is interested in language and translation technology in general, and computational terminology research specifically.

She started researching translation revision competence at Antwerp University, before joining the LT3 research group in 2015 to work on automatic term extraction in the context of the SCATE project (Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment). In 2017, she obtained a scholarship from FWO for her PhD project (EXTRACT) on data-driven methodologies for automatic term extraction.

In the context of her PhD project, she created the open source ACTER dataset (Annotated Corpora for Term Extraction Research), organised the TermEval shared task based on the dataset, and developed and contrasted three distinct new methodologies for automatic term extraction. Additionally, she worked on several projects which focused on medical terminology specifically.