

Validating multilingual hybrid automatic term extraction for search engine optimisation : the use case of EBM-GUIDELINES (.pdf)

Rigouts Terryn, A., Hoste, V., Buysschaert, J., Vander Stichele, R., Van Campen, E., & Lefever, E. (2019).

Pilot study on medical translations in lay language : post-editing by language specialists, domain specialists or both? (.pdf)

Rigouts Terryn, A., Macken, L., Lefever, E., Vander Stichele, R., Vanneste, K, & Buysschaert, J. (2019).

Improving the translation environment for professional translators (.pdf)

Vandeghinste, V., Vanallemeersch, T., Augustinus, L., Bulté, B., Van Eynde, F., Pelemans, J., Verwimp, L., Wambacq, P., Heyman, G., Moens, M., van der Lek-Ciudin, I., Steurs, F., Rigouts Terryn, A., Lefever, E., Tezcan, A., Macken, L., Hoste, V., Daems, J, Buysschaert, J., Coppers, S., Van den Bergh, J., & Luyten, K. (2019).


Multilingual hybrid automatic term extraction : the use case of ebpracticenet (.pdf)

Rigouts Terryn, A., Hoste, V., Buysschaert, J., & Lefever, E. (2018).


Technology for large-scale translation of clinical practice guidelines : a pilot study of the performance of a hybrid human and computer-assisted approach (.pdf)

Van de Velde, S, Macken, L., Vanneste, K, Goossens, M, Vanschoenbeek, J, Aertgeerts, B, Vanopstal, K., Vander Stichele, R., & Buysschaert, J. (2015).


Terminologie: op het snijvlak van ambacht en technologie (.pdf)

Vanopstal, K., Macken, L., Lefever, E., Van de Kauter, M., Buysschaert, J., & Hoste, V. (2014).


Lost in PubMed: factors influencing the success of medical information retrieval (.pdf)

Vanopstal, K., Buysschaert, J., Laureys, G., & Vander Stichele, R. (2013).

Lost in PubMed: factors influencing the success of medical information retrieval (.pdf)

Vanopstal, K., Buysschaert, J., Laureys, G., & Vander Stichele, R. (2013).


PubMed searches by Dutch-speaking nursing students: the impact of language and system experience

Vanopstal, K., Vander Stichele, R., Laureys, G., & Buysschaert, J. (2012).


Vocabularies and retrieval tools in biomedicine: disentangling the terminological knot (.pdf)

Vanopstal, K., Vander Stichele, R., Laureys, G., & Buysschaert, J. (2011).


Vocabularies and retrieval tools in biomedicine: disentangling the terminological knot

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ELeCT 3.0. Electronic lexicon of communication terminology. Third Edition

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