LangTech | Rainbow - Researching Stereotypes towards LGBTQIA+ Community Members with Multilingual Natural Language Processing CLAIM - Towards Complex Reasoning in LLMs |
TransTech | FWO bursary project on The influence of linguistic context and language similarity on structural priming: a multi-methods study |
With the launch of these projects, we strengthened the LT3 team with a postdoctoral researcher (Alessandra) and two new PhD students (Francesca and Marzieh). In 2024, we also received 2 HPC Tier 1 grants, allowing us to take our research projects to the next level with access to extra computing power.
In Spring 2024, Suna joined our team as a visiting researcher for three months and in September we were also happy to welcome three new visiting/affiliated researchers: one postdoc (Liesbeth) and two PhD students (Delu and Shijie). During that same time Loic took up a new role as postdoctoral research assistant. Unfortunately in that same month we also had to say goodbye to Paola, whose Marie-Curie project DUAL-T came to an end. As a final event the workshop Literary Translators and Technology was organised which focused on user-centered research in literary translation and literary translators’ perspectives on technology. The workshop was a great success and we wish Paola all the best with her new position at the University of St. Andrews!
Four junior researchers defended their PhD in 2024, a wonderful achievement!
Loic’s dissertation covered the challenges of coreference resolution in Dutch, with a special focus on event coreference resolution. Jasper defended his work on using NLP for vocabulary selection for learners of Spanish as a second language. Both defenses were preceded by a designated workshop allowing us to give the floor to experts in both fields.
Jonathan and Lilia, who were both affiliated with LT3, worked on an FWO infrastructure project to investigate the use of serious gaming to support syntactic annotation of a corpus of Spanish dialects.
Conference season was especially busy this year, with many team members being involved in the organisation of conferences, workshops and shared tasks.
Apart from the organisation, our researchers also presented their work at many different conferences and workshops throughout the year: LREC-COLING 2024, NITS, Anéla, SIG Writing, EAMT 2024, EuroSLA33, TaLC2024, ACL 2024, CLIN34, NLP4CALL, CLARIN 2024, EMNLP 2024, LW Research Day and 3° SIILMI.
Please refer to LT3’s 2024 publication list if you want to learn more about our latest research.
Besides conferences, we were also pleased to welcome various international guests at our LT3 offices in Ghent to discuss ideas and get inspired:
Looking back at 2024, there are some more achievements that fill us with pride:
The new academic year also meant the launch of our new language technology track in the Applied Linguistics bachelor! Instead of choosing 2 foreign languages, students can now choose 1 foreign language and a focus on Language Technology. After a communication campaign 15 students enrolled in this new track and we are hoping to keep that momentum going over the next few years. Please help us to spread the word!
This academic year, 13 students are following the CALM postgraduate programme. One of the main strengths of this programme is our collaboration with trusted partners, such as Yamagata Europe, where our students were invited for a company visit during the fall semester.
We were also involved in another edition of the Methods in Language Sciences summer school.
AI is present in daily life, education and work, and our outreach activities definitely confirmed this. Throughout the year various LT3 members were invited to share their insights on AI and LLMs for both education and companies.
Other outreach activities included:
We are excited about the upcoming year with lots of things to look forward to. From 5 PhD defenses, to new project proposals and many more conferences.
Spring 2026 will mark LT3’s 20th anniversary!!! We are already contemplating on how to best celebrate this: stay tuned!