

Current limitations in cyberbullying detection : on evaluation criteria, reproducibility, and data scarcity (.pdf)

Emmery, C., Verhoeven, B., De Pauw, G., Jacobs, G.M., Van Hee, C., Lefever, E., Desmet, B., Hoste, V., & Daelemans, W. (2021).


SMHD : a large-scale resource for exploring online language usage for multiple mental health conditions (.pdf)

Cohan, A., Desmet, B., Yates, A., Soldaini, L., MacAvaney, S., & Goharian, N. (2018).

RSDD-time : temporal annotation of self-reported mental health diagnoses (.pdf)

MacAvaney, S., Desmet, B., Cohan, A., Soldaini, L., Yates, A., Zirikly, A., & Goharian, N. (2018).

Automatic detection of cyberbullying in social media text (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Jacobs, G.M., Emmery, C., Desmet, B., Lefever, E., Verhoeven, B., De Pauw, G., Daelemans, W., & Hoste, V. (2018).


An automatic part-of-speech tagger for Middle Low German (.pdf)

Koleva, M., Farasyn, M., Desmet, B., Breitbarth, A., & Hoste, V. (2017).

Noise or music? Investigating the usefulness of normalisation for robust sentiment analysis on social media data (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Van de Kauter, M., De Clercq, O., Lefever, E., Desmet, B., & Hoste, V. (2017).


TripleSent: a triple store of events associated with their prototypical sentiment (.pdf)

Hoste, V., Lefever, E., van der Waart van Gulik, S., & Desmet, B. (2016).

Multi-modular text normalization of Dutch user-generated content (.pdf)

Schulz, S., De Pauw, G., De Clercq, O., Desmet, B., Hoste, V., Daelemans, W., & Macken, L. (2016).


UGENT-LT3 SCATE system for machine translation quality estimation (.pdf)

Tezcan, A., Hoste, V., Desmet, B., & Macken, L. (2015).

Automatic detection and prevention of cyberbullying (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Lefever, E., Verhoeven, B., Mennes, J., Desmet, B., De Pauw, G., Daelemans, W., & Hoste, V. (2015).

Detection and fine-grained classification of cyberbullying events (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Lefever, E., Verhoeven, B., Mennes, J., Desmet, B., De Pauw, G., Daelemans, W., & Hoste, V. (2015).


Towards shared datasets for normalization research (.pdf)

De Clercq, O., Schulz, S., Desmet, B., & Hoste, V. (2014).

Using the crowd for readability prediction (.pdf)

De Clercq, O., Hoste, V., Desmet, B., van Oosten, P., De Cock, M., & Macken, L. (2014).

Taaltechnologie 2.0: sentimentanalyse en normalisatie (.pdf)

Desmet, B., De Clercq, O., Van de Kauter, M., Schulz, S., Van Hee, C., & Hoste, V. (2014).

Dutch parallel corpus en SoNaR (.pdf)

Macken, L., De Clercq, O., Desmet, B., & Hoste, V. (2014).


Oostdijk, N., Reynaert, M., Hoste, V., van den Heuvel, H., Monachesi, P., Desmet, B., De Clercq, O., & Schuurman, I. (2014).


Oostdijk, N., Hoste, V., de Jong, F., Reynaert, M., De Clercq, O., Desmet, B., & van den Heuvel, H. (2014).


Normalization of Dutch user-generated content (.pdf)

De Clercq, O., Desmet, B., Schulz, S., Lefever, E., & Hoste, V. (2013).

Gallop Documentation (.pdf)

Desmet, B., Hoste, V., Verstraeten, D., & Verhasselt, J. (2013).

Emotion detection in suicide notes (.pdf)

Desmet, B., & Hoste, V. (2013).

LeTs preprocess: the multilingual LT3 linguistic preprocessing toolkit (.pdf)

Van de Kauter, M., Coorman, G., Lefever, E., Desmet, B., Macken, L., & Hoste, V. (2013).