
Luna De Bruyne, Orphée De Clercq and Véronique Hoste
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About EmotioNL

On this page you can get access to the EmotioNL corpus: an emotion-annotated corpus of Dutch texts. It consists of 1,000 Dutch tweets and 1,000 captions from reality TV-shows, annotated with the categories anger, fear, joy, love, sadness and neutral, and scores (real-valued, between 0 and 1) for the emotional dimensions valence, arousal and dominance. The data collection and annotation procedure is described in the associated paper:

De Bruyne, L., De Clercq, O., & Hoste, V. (2021). Prospects for Dutch emotion detection: Insights from the new EmotioNL dataset. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, 11, 231-255.

You can access the dataset by filling in your credentials at the top of this page. Please note that by downloading the data you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • The authors and their affiliated institutions makes no warranties regarding the datasets provided. They cannot be held liable for providing access to the datasets or the usage of the datasets.
  • The dataset should only be used for scientific or research purposes. Any other use is explicitly prohibited.
  • The datasets must not be redistributed or shared in part or full with any third party. Redirect interested parties to this page.
  • If you use any of the datasets, you agree to cite the associated paper.