
In press

Unlocking Domain Knowledge: Model Adaptation for Non-Normative Dutch (.pdf)

Debaene, F, Maladry, A, Lefever, E., & Hoste, V. (2025).


Evaluating transformers for OCR post-correction in early modern Dutch theatre (.pdf)

Debaene, F, Maladry, A, Lefever, E., & Hoste, V. (2025).


Maatschappelijke implicaties en ethiek (.pdf)

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Van Hee, C., & Doğruöz, A.S. (2024).

Respect voor de Bescherming van Natuur en Milieu

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Van Hee, C., & Doğruöz, A.S. (2024).

Privacybewaking en Maatschappelijk Welzijn

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Doğruöz, A.S., & Van Hee, C. (2024).

Deugdzaam databeheer

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Doğruöz, A.S., & Van Hee, C. (2024).

Rechtvaardigheid en Transparantie

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Doğruöz, A.S., & Van Hee, C. (2024).

Using state-of-the-art emotion detection models in a crisis communication context (.pdf)

De Bruyne, L., van der Meer, T., De Clercq, O., & Hoste, V. (2024).

Analysing pathos in user-generated argumentative text (.pdf)

Evgrafova, N., Hoste, V., & Lefever, E. (2024).

Zoeksystemen (.pdf)

Hoste, V., & Van Hee, C. (2024).

Chatbots (.pdf)

Hoste, V., Lefever, E., & Doğruöz, A.S. (2024).

Exploring LLMs’ capabilities for error detection in Dutch L1 and L2 writing products (.pdf)

Kruijsbergen, J., Van Geertruyen, S, Hoste, V., & De Clercq, O. (2024).

Human and system perspectives on the expression of irony : an analysis of likelihood labels and rationales (.pdf)

Maladry, A, Cignarella, ATC, Lefever, E., Van Hee, C., & Hoste, V. (2024).

The limitations of irony detection in Dutch social media (.pdf)

Maladry, A, Lefever, E., Van Hee, C., & Hoste, V. (2024).

Auteursherkenning en profilering (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., & Hoste, V. (2024).

Waarom is taal zo moeilijk? (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Hoste, V., De Clercq, O., Lefever, E., & Macken, L. (2024).

Sentiment- en emotieanalyse (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Hoste, V., & De Clercq, O. (2024).

Wat is taaltechnologie? (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Hoste, V., De Clercq, O., Lefever, E., & Macken, L. (2024).

Hoe leert een computer taal? (.pdf)

Van Hee, C., Hoste, V., Macken, L., De Clercq, O., & Lefever, E. (2024).


A benchmark for dutch end-to-end cross-document event coreference resolution (.pdf)

De Langhe, L., Desot, ThD, De Clercq, O., & Hoste, V. (2023).

Constructing a cross-document event coreference corpus for Dutch (.pdf)

De Langhe, L., De Clercq, O., & Hoste, V. (2023).

Unimodalities count as perspectives in multimodal emotion annotation (.pdf)

Du, Q, Labat, S., Demeester, T., & Hoste, V. (2023).

Diverse content selection for educational question generation (.pdf)

Hadifar, A., Bitew, S., Deleu, J., Hoste, V., Develder, C., & Demeester, T. (2023).

Comparing Professional and Platform-driven Critics: A Digital and Sociological Analysis of Literary Gatekeeping and Gatewatching (.pdf)

Martens, G., De Greve, L., Bernaerts, L., Roose, H., Hoste, V., & Vandenhaute, D. (2023).


How language-dependent is emotion detection? Evidence from multilingual BERT (.pdf)

De Bruyne, L., Singh, P., De Clercq, O., Lefever, E., & Hoste, V. (2022).

SentEMO : a multilingual adaptive platform for aspect-based sentiment and emotion analysis (.pdf)

De Geyndt, E., De Clercq, O., Van Hee, C., Lefever, E., Singh, P., Parent, O., & Hoste, V. (2022).

Investigating cross-document event coreference for Dutch (.pdf)

De Langhe, L., De Clercq, O., & Hoste, V. (2022).