ML Demo.cratization tour in Belgium

Posted by Bram Vanroy on June 13, 2022

Hugging Face and the Language and Translation Technology Team (LT3) of Ghent University are collaborating to bring you an exclusive hands-on class in Belgium on How can you show what a Machine Learning model does once it's trained? The talk will be given by Nima Boscarino, developer advocate at Hugging Face.

The hands-on seminar is completely free for everyone, and will take around 30 minutes, and afterwards there will be 15-30 minutes for questions. It will take place on June 30th at 5PM CEST, online via Teams. When it is time, you can join via this URL. You can also add it to your calendar in advance so that you won't forget!


In this talk, you're going to learn how to create Machine Learning apps and demos using Streamlit and Gradio, Python libraries for this purpose. Additionally, you'll see how to share them with the rest of the Open Source ecosystem. Learning to create graphic interfaces for models is extremely useful for sharing your research findings and putting your models (and yourself) in the spotlight!

What is required to follow the webinar? Setting up your accounts takes less than five minutes!

We hope to see you there in this session on Machine Learning Demo.cratization!

For more updates, you can follow us on Twitter @lt3ugent!

The webinar was recorded and can be viewed on YouTube (or below).