

Maatschappelijke implicaties en ethiek (.pdf)

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Van Hee, C., & Doğruöz, A.S. (2024).

Deugdzaam databeheer

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Doğruöz, A.S., & Van Hee, C. (2024).

Privacybewaking en Maatschappelijk Welzijn

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Doğruöz, A.S., & Van Hee, C. (2024).

Rechtvaardigheid en Transparantie

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Doğruöz, A.S., & Van Hee, C. (2024).

Respect voor de Bescherming van Natuur en Milieu

Daems, J, Hoste, V., Van Hee, C., & Doğruöz, A.S. (2024).

Chatbots (.pdf)

Hoste, V., Lefever, E., & Doğruöz, A.S. (2024).

Predicting machine translation performance on low-resource languages : the role of domain similarity (.pdf)

Khiu, E., Toossi, H., Liu, J., Li, J., Anugraha, D., Flores, J., Roman, L., Doğruöz, A.S., & Lee, E. (2024).



Automatic identification and classification of bragging in social media (.pdf)

Jin, M., Preoțiuc-Pietro, D., Doğruöz, A.S., & Aletras, N. (2022).


Preface (.pdf)

De Clercq, O., Rigouts Terryn, A., Doğruöz, A.S., Tezcan, A., Vanroy, B., Labat, S., & Macken, L. (2021).

A survey of code-switching : linguistic and social perspectives for language technologies (.pdf)

Doğruöz, A.S., Sitaram, S., Bullock, B., & Toribio, A. (2021).

Open machine translation for low resource South American languages (AmericasNLP 2021 shared task contribution) (.pdf)

Parida, S., Panda, S., Dash, A., Villatoro-Tello, E., Doğruöz, A.S., Ortega-Mendoza, R., Hernández, A., Sharma, Y., & Motlicek, P. (2021).




Integrating meaning into quality evaluation of machine translation (.pdf)

Başkaya, O., Yildiz, E., Tunaoğlu, D., Eren, M., & Doğruöz, A.S. (2017).

One size does not fit all : profiling personalized time-evolving user behaviors (.pdf)

Devineni, P., Papalexakis, E., Koutra, D., Doğruöz, A.S., & Faloutsos, M. (2017).

Text based user comments as a signal for automatic language identification of online videos (.pdf)

Doğruöz, A.S., Ponomareva, N., Girgin, S., Jain, R., & Oehler, C. (2017).


Computational sociolinguistics : a survey (.pdf)

Nguyen, D., Doğruöz, A.S., Rosé, C., & de Jong, F. (2016).



Discovering similarities for content-based recommendation and browsing in multimedia collections (.pdf)

Lehinevych, T., Kokkinis-Ntrenis, N., Siantikos, G., Doğruöz, A.S., Giannakopoulos, T., & Konstantopoulos, S. (2014).

Why gender and age prediction from tweets is hard : lessons from a crowdsourcing experiment (.pdf)

Nguyen, D., Trieschnigg, D., Doğruöz, A.S., Gravel, R., Theune, M., Meder, T., & de Jong, F. (2014).



Spread of on-going changes in an immigrant language

Doğruöz, A.S., & Gries, S. (2012).


Talen staan nooit stil : Hoe het Turks in Nederland vernederlandst (.pdf)

Backus, A., Doğruöz, A.S., Onar Valk, P., & Sahin, H. (2011).