

GECO-MT : the Ghent Eye-tracking Corpus of Machine Translation (.pdf)

Colman, T., Fonteyne, M., Daems, J, Dirix, N., & Macken, L. (2022).

How language-dependent is emotion detection? Evidence from multilingual BERT (.pdf)

De Bruyne, L., Singh, P., De Clercq, O., Lefever, E., & Hoste, V. (2022).

Joint emotion label space modeling for affect lexica (.pdf)

De Bruyne, L., Atanasova, P., & Augenstein, I. (2022).

SentEMO : a multilingual adaptive platform for aspect-based sentiment and emotion analysis (.pdf)

De Geyndt, E., De Clercq, O., Van Hee, C., Lefever, E., Singh, P., Parent, O., & Hoste, V. (2022).

Investigating cross-document event coreference for Dutch (.pdf)

De Langhe, L., De Clercq, O., & Hoste, V. (2022).

Writing in a second Language with Machine translation (WiLMa) (.pdf)

Fonteyne, M., Montero Perez, M., Daems, J, & Macken, L. (2022).

Writing in a Second Language with Machine Translation (.pdf)

Fonteyne, M., Montero Perez, M., Daems, J, & Macken, L. (2022).

El componente del subcorpus Oral ALEC como muestra del Espanol hablado en la Amazonía Colombiana (.pdf)

Hincapie Moreno, D., Lopez Barrios, W., Rubio Lopez, R., Bonilla, J., & Bernal Chavez, J. (2022).

Automatic identification and classification of bragging in social media (.pdf)

Jin, M., Preoțiuc-Pietro, D., Doğruöz, A.S., & Aletras, N. (2022).

Machine Translation enhanced literary translation (.pdf)

Macken, L., Daems, J, Vanroy, B., & Tezcan, A. (2022).

Irony detection for Dutch : a venture into the implicit (.pdf)

Maladry, A, Lefever, E., Van Hee, C., & Hoste, V. (2022).

Effects of captioned video on L2 speech perception in intermediate L2 learners of Spanish

Montero Perez, M., Simon, E., Goethals, P., & Pattemore, A. (2022).

An in-depth analysis of written feedback found in ePortfolios of undergraduate midwifery students (.pdf)

Van Ostaeyen, S., De Clercq, O., Embo, M., Schellens, T., & Valcke, M. (2022).


Van Ostaeyen, S., De Clercq, O., Embo, M., Schellens, T., & Valcke, M. (2022).