Cynthia Van Hee

Senior Researcher
E-mail address
Telephone number
+32 933 11 938
Curriculum vitae
Cynthia Van Hee

About Cynthia

Cynthia Van Hee is a lecturer and post-doctoral researcher at the LT3 Language and Translation Technology Team at Ghent University, active in the field of computational linguistics and machine learning. In the framework of her PhD, she developed a state-of-the-art irony detection system and devised a new method to automatically infer implicit or prototypical sentiment. During her PhD she also gained experience in automatic cyberbullying detection as part of the AMiCA (Automatic Monitoring for Cyberspace Applications) research project in which she was actively involved. As a postdoc researcher, her main research focus lies on sentiment analysis (including implicit sentiment, emotion detection and ABSA) on social media and in newswire text. She is actively involved in the NewsDNA (Diversity in the News through Algorithmization) and the SentEMO (Multilingual aspect-based sentiment and emotion analysis) research projects. She teaches Audiovisual Language Techniques, Natural Language Processing, Project Management, Desktop Publishing and is involved in Digital Communication.