
In press

The vocabulary demands of English and French L2 textbooks: A cross-lingual corpus study

Van Parys, A, De Wilde, V., Macken, L., & Montero Perez, M. (2023).

Unlocking Domain Knowledge: Model Adaptation for Non-Normative Dutch (.pdf)

Debaene, F, Maladry, A, Lefever, E., & Hoste, V. (2025).

Perspectivist approaches to natural language processing : a survey

Frenda, S., Abercrombie, G., Basile, V., Pedrani, A., Panizzon, R., Cignarella, ATC, Marco, C., & Bernardi, D. (2025).

Stereohoax : a multilingual corpus of racial hoaxes and social media reactions annotated for stereotypes (.pdf)

Schmeisser-Nieto, W., Cignarella, ATC, Bourgeade, T., Frenda, S., Ariza-Casabona, A., Laurent, M., Cicirelli, P., Marra, A., Corbelli, G., Benamara, F., Bosco, C., Moriceau, V., Paciello, M., Patti, V., Taule, M., & D'Errico, F. (2025).

Linguistic annotation of Byzantine book epigrams (.pdf)

Swaelens, C., De Vos, I., & Lefever, E. (2025).