

ELeCT 3.0. Electronic lexicon of communication terminology. Third Edition

Buysschaert, J., Vanopstal, K., & Kovács, L. (2008).

DEEPER: a Full Parsing based Approach to Protein Relation Extraction (.pdf)

Fayruzov, T., De Cock, M., Cornelis, C., & Hoste, V. (2008).

Exploiting Grammatical Relations for Protein Relation Extraction and Role Labeling (.pdf)

Fayruzov, T., De Cock, M., Cornelis, C., & Hoste, V. (2008).

A Coreference Corpus and Resolution System for Dutch (.pdf)

Hendrickx, I., Bouma, G., Coppens, F., Daelemans, W., Hoste, V., Kloosterman, G., Mineur, A., Van Der Vloet, J., & Verschelde, J. (2008).

Semantic and Syntactic features for Anaphora Resolution for Dutch (.pdf)

Hendrickx, I., Hoste, V., & Daelemans, W. (2008).

Proceedings of the Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval workshop (DIR-2008)

Hoste, Veronique, De Cock, M., & Hoste, V. (2008).

Learning-based detection of scientific terms in patient information (.pdf)

Hoste, V., Lefever, E., Vanopstal, K., & Delaere, I. (2008).

Dutch Parallel Corpus: a multifunctional and multilingual corpus (.pdf)

Paulussen, H., Macken, L., Trushkina, J., Desmet, P., & Vandeweghe, W. (2008).

Designing a parallel corpus as multifunctional translator's aid (.pdf)

Rura, L., Vandeweghe, W., & Montero Perez, M. (2008).